Classes meet at 9AM

Knowing God's Truth:  
An introduction to systematic theology

  • An accessible, clear, practical and worshipful exploration of Christian beliefs in 12 key categories including Scripture, sin, church and heaven.
  • Recommended for students, newer Christians or any who want to learn doctrine for everyday faithfulness
  • Format: Video lecture & group discussion
  • Homework:  20 pages of reading per week
  • Teachers: Matt Trent & Greg Smith
  • $18 book cost ($30 after 8/25) - make payments via the black box in the lobby or online (if needed) using the app or the giving portal at roanokechurch.com.  Select the "EQUIP Books" tag from the drop-down menu. 

JR. High Theology

  • An overview of systematic theology adapted from "Knowing God's Truth", covering the same categories in an abbreviated format & directing students to engage with Scripture during the week.  A brief discussion guide will be provided for parents each week.
  • Open to students in 6th - 8th grade
  • Format: Adult-led discussion
  • Homework: Less than 2 chapters of Bible reading and 1/2 page of study questions per week
  • Teachers: Aaron Smith & Ryan Zewatsky

Knowing the Bible: Revelation

  • A verse-by-verse study of the Bible's final book, its dynamic story and imagery,  its ultimately encouraging message and rich promises from Christ to his Church.
  • Format: Live lecture & group discussion
  • Homework: 1-4 chapters of Bible reading and around 8 pages of workbook per week
  • Teachers: Various
  • $6 book cost ($10 after 8/25) - make payments via the black box in the lobby or online (if needed) using the app or the giving portal at roanokechurch.com. Select the "EQUIP Books" tag from the drop-down menu.